Scalp Artist International has 8 more training events this summer with more on the way. Take a look a whats coming up in the next few months in the US and the UK.

  • DENVER, CO – Denver Barber Show. July 14th and 15th.
  • PUERTO RICO, Guest Appearance – Puerto Rico with Manuale Gut-mann. July 19th – 23rd
  • WICHITA, KS – One on one training with Ammy Sant from Peru, South America Wichita, KS. July 24th – 25th.
  • LAS VEGAS, NV – LV Barber Expo. September 30th
  • CHICAGO – CPD Training – TBA
  • MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – August CPD Training with Jeff Picasso August 15th -18th
  • MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – CPD Training – August 6th -10th

For more information visit our Training Page.

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